Essential Christmas Message in Rembrandt’s Nativity Scene of Peace

Christmas Choices: Not Everyone is Excited About Christmas

Christmas Decor and Safety Concerns during the Holidays

Holiday Cherry Cheesecake

My Most Unforgettable Christmas Songs

Christmas Carols and the Victorian Era

The Nostalgia of Victorian-Inspired Christmas Cards

Practical Guidelines on Gift Giving

Getting More Out of Christmas

The Schizophrenic Holiday Called Christmas

Christmas may carry Christ’s name but someone else gets most of the attention.
Don’t misunderstand. I’m no Scrooge dedicated to banishing innocent make-believe. On balance, Santa Claus has probably made the world a happier place for thousands. But it seems significant that we have invented a fantasy-figure for our children and ourselves that resembles the Savior so closely.
Full Article: The Schizophrenic Holiday Called Christmas
Homemade Dips And Spreads As Christmas Gifts

Christmas Cookie Bonanza

1 cup sugar
1 cup margarine or butter, softened
2 eggs
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla
3 cups all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
SEE RECIPE HERE: Christmas Cookie Bonanza
Homemade Relishes for the Festive Holidays

Marinated Olives
Mexican Relish
Cranberry Orange Relish
Mushroom Relish
Peppery Relish
See recipes here: Homemade Relishes for the Festive Holidays
The Inspiring Story Behind the Song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

As the holiday of 1938 came to Chicago, Bob May, 34-year old ad writer for Montgomery Ward, a father of a four-year old girl, was exhausted, broke, and about to lose his wife to cancer.
One night, Barbara, his daughter aked him, “Why isn’t mommy like everybody else’s mommy?” As he struggled to answer his daughter’s question, Bob remembered the pain of his own childhood. A small, sickly boy, he was constantly picked on and called names. So he began to spin a tale about a reindeer with a bright red nose who found a special place on Santa’s team.
Read the rest of the story here: The Inspiring Story Behind the Song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Yule Log Cake Recipe

The Messiah: Handel’s Musical Legacy

The Nutcracker Suite: A Memorable Christmas Ballet

Homemade Giftable Mix Recipes

Imaginative and different, these recipes are sure to please as gifts. Be certain to label each bottle or jar and give directions on how to use the mix.
See recipes here: Homemade Giftable Mix Recipes
Homemade Gifts for People Who Love Sweets: Dessert Toppings

What lovelier gift for that someone with a sweet tooth, than a trio of delectable dessert toppings!
See recipes here: Homemade Gifts for People Who Love Sweets: Dessert Toppings
Your Christmas Gifts Reveal Something About You

You can carefully choose the gifts and you don’t have to buy them in bulk. You can buy gifts in a series of shopping trips. But no matter how early one plans the gifts to give, it is quite realistic to say that no Christmas ever dawns that doesn’t bring its own disappointments, regrets, and plain old sulking...
Read whole article here: Your Christmas Gifts Reveal Something About You
The Lost Art of Thankfulness

“Ingratitude is the attitude of the person who receives every good and perfect gift without so much as an appreciative nod in the direction of the donor, be he human or divine.”
There is no creature so ungrateful as a human being. Even animals will seldom bite the hand that gives him bread. Not so with man. ...READ MORE>>>
Salmonella Bacteria in Turkey Stuffing

Each holiday season, between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, there are cases of severe illness due to food poisoning caused by improper handling of turkey stuffing. The salmonella bacteria are the culprits. They like to lurk in the middle of incompletely cooked poultry, right where you put the stuffing...READ MORE>>>
Sausage-Stuffing Recipe for Turkey

Some say that the best part of the turkey the stuffing. Here is a recipe that is practically a meal in itself.
The stuffing recipe should be the right size to stuff a 16- to 20-pound turkey....
How to Roast a Turkey and Other Poultry The Fastest Way

The ritual of cooking turkey used to be a painful and an elaborate process, taking long hours of watching the clock and basting the bird, hoping that with luck, the dinner will not turn out tough and dry.
There is, however, another way to roasting that can give you perfect results in the form of a juicy and tender turkey, taking much less time to cook than our grandmothers took. The same technique can also be applied to roasting chicken,duck, goose, pheasant, or any kind of poultry.
This method is also used in fine restaurants and hotel kitchens where they cannot afford to take as much time as our ancestors did in roasting turkey.READ MORE>>>
See What Gratitude Can Do for You

Sometimes we think that life should be easier. After all, it looks easy for others. Comparing ourselves or our circumstances can be a dangerous dalliance, especially if we compare with a purpose in mind—either to make ourselves look better or worse than those around us.
“Life is too important to be easy.” You can’t maintain a constant state of happiness—nobody can...READ MORE>>>
Lessons From Darkness
Darkness in life is like a cocoon to a butterfly. As nature has its painful way of strengthening or developing a butterfly in order to prepare it for the life outside, we as persons gain strength when we struggle through the darkness of a life crisis. Dark times often become our ‘cocoon’ which God uses to strengthen us.
read more on Lessons from Darkness
Thanks for the Music, Daddy

My father, just like most of the Filipino dads in the modern age, was a weekend father. He was the typical corporate person who would leave early in the morning and come home at night. Typical you may say. Generally, indeed, the situation is. But the details of his character are the ones that made the greatest influence on what I became today. The moments he spent with us after work and during weekends left a legacy.
From him I learned to love literature, writing, and poetry. He introduced me to the Bible, to Edgar Allan Poe, the Reader’s Digest and even to MAD magazine. He may look strict but he is a man who loves humor. Puns and satire are part of our regular conversations. When he proofreads my written term papers and written works, I remember him saying “before you print your work, make sure you show it to me, so we could laugh at it first, then we do the corrections.” It taught us to accept criticisms in a light-hearted manner.
Though he is a man of few words, he was always appointed as leader in church, in school PTA, in our Village Association, and led the groups with integrity and discipline. He is a man known for his no-nonsense talk and intellect. When he talks everyone listens.
He taught us creativity, resourcefulness and frugality. I needed a jump rope once in grade school. Unfortunately, we lived far from the department stores then and it was already late night when he arrived from work. He got a few pieces of electric wires, 2 pvc pipes, and a few minutes later, I had a jump rope ready to be used for my PE the next day.
He is my biggest influence in my love for music. Because of his broad range of musical taste, I was exposed to classical, sacred, gospel, opera, broadway, jazz, and latin through his LP records that he plays during weekends. One of my most unforgettable dad-and-daughter moment in my life happened when I was 7 years old. I never realized how important that was until 30 years later. When my teacher made me compete in a singing contest, it was dad who taught me the lyrics and melody of ABBA’s Thank You For the Music. He coached me every night until I got it right. He was so patient even though I did not know what I was singing. He believed in me, and trusted I would do it, but my first solo public performance was a flop. Out of stage fright, I forgot my song. I did not quit on music, though. Eventually, years later, I became a musician. This experience was the pivotal point in my life. And I thank dad for what I have become now. I may not have sung the song that time, but I lived its message of music throughout my life. For that, I am forever grateful to my dad.
His greatest and most important influence on us is his example of faith in God. Life may not have been easy most of the time. We even spent some birthdays without cakes and balloons, but never a day or a celebration without prayer. He taught us not to trust solely on our abilities and intellect but to rely on God in everything.
Many would see him as a strict, formal, corporate-type person, but I see him more as an educator and an artist, a family man, but above all, my father is God’s faithful servant. He is not perfect just like everyone else, but as a dad, as mom’s faithful husband, and as a grandfather, he’s just the right one for our family. I love him and am thankful that he is my dad.
Here's a memorable song for you, dad. Happy Father's Day.
Marching to the Beat of My Mother's Heart - My Mother's Day Tribute

Introspectively surprised, I see myself more as "a brick off the wall." Strange parallelisms are quite obvious now. Unconsciously, I am becoming more like her, the difference is that, she has a kinder heart. I remember as a kid, during the summer season, she would organize Vacation Bible School in our house back in Las Pinas. The house would be filled with children from different age groups. As a young girl, honestly, I never genuinely intended to work with children. Nowadays, our house is a place for children the whole year round. She would prepare snacks for the kids attending VBS back then, I on the other hand prepare snacks and meals during rehearsals, and occasionally during some impromptu gatherings of Clavier Piano School. She loved organizing events in the neighborhood which would require me and my brother to be there to participate, though reluctantly. Truth is, I did not quite understand nor appreciate why she has to organize those activities, but the need was there. Now, I regularly need to organize two piano recitals every year with only three members of the production team... and I thought my mom was a slave driver. LOL
Her love for managing people helped establish her career in managing a chain of department stores, but she eventually chose to be a full-time mother and housewife. It did not stop her from being enterprising, by establishing her business at home. Her patience with people is anything beyond my ability to comprehend. She would most of the time, follow her heart; she would know those who are truly in need and would see the potential in people whom she would give chances to. Her intuition is, short of saying, almost prophetic. I am still far from becoming that-- but I do see the potential in students whom I push and give chances to, I guess that qualifies as similarity.
Mom is not perfect, just like any other human being. We had to deal with her swinging moods like that of a primadonna at times. Her anger coud explode like that of the Pinatubo, as my dad would call it, but it would only be for that moment. She never holds a grudge, she would be frank to speak her mind, but that's it. You would be drinking coffee and laughing again in a little while.
Now that she's in another continent, it does not stop her from being a supportive mother. She would keep in touch to see if everything is OK, she forced herself to learn the internet and computer technology for this purpose. She knows if I'm in emotional (or financial) distress without me saying so. In her weakening body due to a rare condition, she remains to be a woman of strength in many other ways.
I was always been said to be my Dad's junior. In my stern social and communication skills, I believe so. But in matters of the heart, intuition, parenting, and ways of planning my life, I am my Mother's daughter.
She has driven me to become what I am now, and I am very thankful for what she has done. My ultimate goal is to become a full-time mom. I am blessed with a kind of job that enables me to be with my children, but hopefully, in the near future, I would be retiring, and devote more time to enjoy life with them, just like my mom.
For this occasion, I made a gallery of posters with quotes for mothers HERE .
Happy Mother's Day to all moms! I love you, mommy.
Happy mother's day!