All over the world birthdays are celebrated in many different ways, often grand if possible. People spend large amounts of money and time to plan and hold these special parties that last for a couple of hours.
When a new bundle of joy arrives we usually spend the first year so fussy that it seems just right to celebrate that special day with a big festivity with family and friends.
Since a baby’s first birthday is a huge milestone in life, it is typically celebrated among friends and family particularly those people who saw the mother grow and give birth, then saw how the baby grew throughout the first year. Now they have a reason to gather to celebrate again.
And since babies don’t remember their first birthday, it really makes the occasion more important for the parents.
One essential thing that the birthday babies do is to celebrate with their own piece of cake, or even their own little cake.

Usually they are left to do what they want with it and sometimes with a little encouragement, the baby digs in and enjoys the cake and icing on his or her hands and face as a first birthday treat. Everyone understands that they will make a mess and, of course pictures will be taken, which is all part of the fun.
Similar to all birthdays, presents are given to the birthday baby. Most often, toys and clothes are given because they spend their initial years outgrowing almost everything they have.
Since nearly all first birthday parties are so overwhelming, babies tend to doze off, after some crying or baby tantrum spurts, in the middle of the celebration leaving the parents, family and friends to enjoy the rest of the party with food and goodies. More often than not, this is the best part of the event for the adults.

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